
My Appointments

Welcome to Oak Tree Healing, a space where you can come to relax and receive treatment for wellness concerns in a safe, quiet atmosphere. Reiki’s warm, nourishing energy can help better any aspect of your life whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.

Not spiritual you say? You don’t need to have a spiritual practice to be a spiritual being. Your soul (your higher self) is connected to the same source of creation that we all stem from. There is much more to the world that we live in than the naked eye can see, including energetic interactions.


In the wise words of Albert Einstein, "Everything is energy"; humans, relationships, thoughts, phones, homes, work environment... all hold energetic vibrations. These vibrations can effect your personal energetic field as you move through and interact with them daily.


Reiki's wonderful healing energy has the ability to penetrate into your molecular makeup to shift these vibrations into a higher frequency which promotes healing. It also helps to release and dissolve any energy that may have "stuck" to you throughout your day or lifetime. 


Energy healing is truly amazing as it is a non-invasive treatment that benefits all areas of your life. Making sure you hold space for your own health and healing is the epitome of self care and you deserve it! I'm glad you found your way here!




A Little Bit About the Owner

Hi, I'm Sara! I am a Licensed Massage Therapist and Reiki Master-Teacher. I graduated from Salter School of Massage in 2017. I became a certified Reiki Master-Teacher after completing Reiki I, II, Master & Teacher levels of training. I am currently enrolled in courses to become a Meditation Teacher and to become certified in Animal Reiki and cannot wait to add these services to my practice!

When I came across energy work, my whole world shifted. My perspective of life changed completely when I discovered that there is much more to our daily lives than physical interactions. I have struggled with multiple health issues throughout my life and I have always left doctors puzzled as to what may have caused them. This left me discouraged that I would never live a "normal" life. Anxiety and depression, never ending stomach problems, random aches and pains felt on a daily basis, left me feeling hopeless.

In my early 20s, I was intuitively attracted to energy work and it really opened my eyes to know there was a language that helped explain how I was feeling. I have integrated energy work into my daily life and have first hand experienced the benefits. I am extremely excited to be able to share this ancient modality of healing with others who may be in need of healing as well!




“Teach me the art of taking minute vacations

of slowing down to look at a flower, 

to chat with a friend, 

to pat a dog, 

to read a few lines of a book. 

Slow me down.” 

-Wilfred Arlan Peterson